Governance of compensation

Compensation provisions in the Articles of Association 

The Company's Articles of Association contain the following compensation provisions required by the OaEC:

  • concerning approval by the general meeting of the maximum total amounts of compensation of the Board of Directors and of Executive Management (Art. 15);
  • concerning the principles of compensation payable to the members of the Board of directors and of Executive Management, as well as the allocation of equity securities to them (Art. 25 and 26);
  • concerning the additional amount of compensation for Executive Management members who will take an Executive Management position or assume additional duties after the compensation has been approved by the general meeting (Art. 15 (5)).

Nomination and Compensation Committee (NCC) 

The NCC shall also assist the Board of Directors in determining the compensation of Directors and Executive members (Board of Directors and CEO), and with the audit of the Compensation Report. The NCC particularly has the following duties related to “compensation”:

  • recommendations on the general compensation policy of Ina Invest Holding Ltd Group;
  • recommendations on compensation for the Board Members and CEO;
  • recommendation on the financial targets under the Short-Term-Incentive-Plan (STIP) in accordance with the annual budget;
  • review and approval of the CEO's performance under the STIP, on proposal by the Chairman;
  • review of the Compensation Report;
  • regular review of the amount and components of the compensation of the Board Members and CEO.

Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the Board of Directors shall retain the decision-making authority.


Compensation Governance

The following table provide an overview of the division of responsibilities between the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Board of Directors, the NCC, and the CEO:

Subject area/Responsibility  NCC Board of Directors Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Compensation policy proposes approves  
Compensation report proposes approves advisory vote 
Maximum total compensation of the Board of Directors for the period until the next annual general meeting recommends reviews and proposes   approves
Maximum total compensation of the CEO for the next financial year recommends reviews and proposes approves
Individual compensation of the Board Members within the limits of the total amount approved by the AGM, of the Articles of Association and the law (including any portion in shares, the related terms and conditions, the allocation date, valuation and restriction period) recommends decides  
Financial targets of the STIP for the CEO recommends decides  
CEO's performance under the STIP reviews and decides (on proposal by the Chairman of the Board of Directors)    
Individual compensation of the CEO within the limits of the total amount approved by the AGM, of the Articles of Association and the law (base salary and variable compensation under the STIP) recommends (in cooperation with the Chairman of the Board of Directors) decides  


The Board of Directors has appointed HCM International Ltd. (HCM), an external, independent consulting firm, as the advisor of the NCC and Board of Directors on specific compensation issues. HCM holds no further mandates with Ina Invest Holding Ltd.

Each year, based on the recommendation of the NCC, the Board of Directors shall decide on the proposal made to the general meeting (i) concerning the maximum total compensation of the Board of Directors for the period until the next annual general meeting and (ii) concerning the maximum total compensation of the CEO for the next financial year.

The individual compensation of the Board Members and of the CEO shall be reviewed annually by the NCC.

The NCC Chair shall promptly report on significant proceedings, recommendations and resolutions of the NCC to the Chair of the Board of Directors, unless the Chair of the Board of Directors participated, and shall report on same at the next Board of Directors meeting. The minutes of the NCC meetings shall be forwarded to all Board Members.

The CEO (and the Chair of the Board of Directors) shall not participate in the meetings at which their own compensation is discussed and related resolutions are adopted, and shall have no voting rights in that respect.

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