Executive Management

The Board of Directors has delegated the conduct of business to the CEO, Marc Pointet, a Swiss citizen. Marc Pointet was appointed CEO by the Board of Directors on 1 June 2020.

Education, activities and vested interests

Marc Pointet

Swiss citizen

  • Architect, ETH Zurich
  • Executive MBA, University of St. Gallen (HSG)
  • since June 2020: CEO Ina Invest Group
  • 2013–2020: Head of Western Switzerland and Member of the Executive Board of Mobimo Group
  • 2006–2015: Head Project Management / Project Manager Development at Mobimo
  • 2003–2006: Head of Branch Office St. Moritz of Karl Steiner Ltd.

According to Art. 28 of the Articles of Association, each Executive Management member may hold no more than five mandates as a director or officer of legal entities outside the Ina Invest Group, only one of which may be held in an exchange-listed company. Such mandates are subject to approval by the NCC on a case-by-case basis and must be registered in the Swiss Commercial Register or a similar foreign register. If mandates are held in different legal entities of one and the same corporate group or are held on behalf of a corporate group or a legal entity, then these will be counted in their entirety as one mandate in each case. It is permissible to exceed the foregoing limits for short periods. The Articles of Association with the exact wording of the above-cited provision can be viewed as follows

There are no management contracts with third parties.

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