Annual financial statements of Ina Invest Holding Ltd

in CHF thousands Note 01.01.-31.12.2021 28.01.-31.12.2020
Other income 2.1 2,534 614
Operating income 2,534 614
Personnel expenses 2.2 (1,444) (789)
Other operating expenses 2.3 (959) (7,063)
Operating expenses (2,403) (7,852)
Operating result  131 (7,238)
Financial income   18 -
Financial expenses (26) (8)
Result for the year before taxes 123 (7,246)
Direct taxes (20) (20)
Result for the year 103 (7,266)


in CHF thousands Note 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Cash and cash equivalents 647 298
Trade accounts receivable   2 -
Other current receivables 2.4 84 198
Accrued income and prepaid expenses 2.5 1,278 440
Total current assets 2,011 936
Investment Ina Invest Ltd 2.6 119,842 119,842
Total non-current assets 119,842 119,842
Total assets 121,853 120,778
Liabilities and equity    
Trade accounts payable 2.7 - 15
Other current liabilities 2.8 84 59
Accrued expenses and deferred income 2.9 616 634
Total current liabilities 700 708
Non-current interest-bearing financial liabilities 2.10 1,539 539
Total non-current liabilities 1,539 539
Total liabilities 2,239 1,247
Share capital 2.11 266 266
Statutory capital reserves 2.12 126,696 126,696
Treasury shares 2.13 (185) (165)
Loss carried forward   (7,266) -
Result for the year 103 (7,266)
Total equity 119,614 119,531
Total liabilities and equity 121,853 120,778


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