Consolidated financial statements

in CHF thousands Note 01.01.-31.12.2022 01.01.-31.12.2021
Rental income from properties 2.8 11,304 2,772
Income from the sale of promotional properties 2.1 4,908 17,298
Other direct operating income 2.7 1,973 610
Operating income 18,185 20,680
Gains from change in fair value of investment properties 2.2 23,793 19,788
Losses from change in fair value of investment properties 2.2 (10,956) (3,500)
Result from change in fair value of investment properties 12,837 16,288
Result from disposal of investment properties 727 -
Direct rental expenses 2.8 (1,908) (385)
Direct expenses from the sale of promotional properties 2.1 (3,645) (15,449)
Other direct operating expenses (2,747) (1,508)
Direct operating expenses (8,300) (17,342)
Personnel expenses 4.2 (3,145) (1,452)
Other operating expenses 2.9 (4,163) (3,805)
Other operating expenses (7,308) (5,257)
Operating result (EBIT) 16,141 14,369
Financial income 3.2  8,509 -
Financial expenses 3.2  (3,313) (195)
Earnings before income taxes 21,337 14,174
Income taxes 4.1 (2,253) (2,195)
Profit 19,084 11,979
- attributable to the shareholders of Ina Invest Holding Ltd 9,551 6,924
- attributable to minorities 9,533 5,055
Earnings per share (EPS) (in CHF) 3.6 0.98 0.78
Diluted earnings per share (in CHF) 3.6 0.98 0.78
in CHF thousands Note 31.12.2022 31.12.2021
Cash and cash equivalents 12,597 11,129
Trade accounts receivable 807 -
Other current receivables 2.4  8,856 1,065
Promotional properties 2.1 21,229 58,949
Inventories   121 -
Accrued income and prepaid expenses 2.5 5,655 9,967
Total current assets 49,265 81,110
Investment properties 2.2 786,404 328,738
Tangible fixed assets   75 -
Intangible assets 2.3 21,691 21,451
Other non-current assets 1.3 - 17,700
Other non-current receivables 2.6 2,847 859
Total non-current assets 811,017 368,748
Total assets 860,282 449,858
Liabilities and equity    
Current financial liabilities 3.1 307,283 -
Trade accounts payable   2,478 3,952
Advance payments for promotional properties - 120
Other current liabilities 2.4 3,448 118
Accrued expenses and deferred income 2.5  5,964 4,191
Total current liabilities 319,173 8,381
Non-current financial liabilities 3.1 35,821 43,000
Deferred tax liabilities 4.1 85,850 41,552
Other non-current liabilities 2.6 8,682 7,260
Total non-current liabilities 130,353 91,812
Total liabilities 449,526 100,193
Share capital 3.5 293 266
Capital reserves 3.5 208,953 192,658
Treasury shares 3.5 (185) (185)
Retained earnings 3.5 17,734 8,318
Equity attributable to shareholders of Ina Invest Holding Ltd 226,795 201,057
Minority interests 3.5 183,961 148,608
Total equity 410,756 349,665
Total liabilities and equity 860,282 449,858
in CHF thousands Note 01.01.-31.12.2022 01.01.-31.12.2021
Profit 19,084 11,979
Result from change in fair value of investment properties 2.2 (12,837) (16,288)
Other non-cash income and expenses   (413) 478
Income taxes 4.1 2,253 2,195
Financial result 3.2 (5,196) 195
Changes in    
– Trade accounts receivable (424) 453
– Promotional properties 2.1 2,228 13,189
– Inventories   (121) -
– Other current receivables and accrued income and prepaid expenses   5,032 (3,658)
– Trade accounts payable (3,816) 486
– Advance payments for promotional properties (120) (340)
– Other current liabilities and accrued expenses and deferred income   748 1,276
– Provisions   - (610)
Income taxes paid   (311) -
Cash flow from operating activities 6,107 9,355
Investments in investment properties 2.2 (108,661) (36,560)
Proceeds from disposals of investment properties 2.2 3,237 -
Investments in intangible assets 2.3 (240) (155)
Investments in other non-current assets   - (17,700)
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired 1.3 (78,429) -
Cash flow from investing activities (184,093) (54,415)
Proceeds from capital increase 3.5 35,500 -
Payments for capital increase cost 3.5 (1,368) -
Acquisition of treasury shares 3.5 (185) (159)
Disposals of treasury shares 3.5 3 -
Interest paid (2,818) (84)
Payments for other financial expenses (559) (686)
Payments for unwinding of interest rate swaps 3.2 (4,057) -
Proceeds from current financial liabilities 3.1 255,934 -
Proceeds from non-current financial liabilities 3.1 - 43,000
Repayment of current financial liabilities 3.1 (1,250) -
Repayment of non-current financial liabilities 3.1 (101,746) -
Cash flow from financing activities 179,454 42,071
Net change in cash and cash equivalents 1,468 (2,989)
Cash and cash equivalents as at the beginning of the period 11,129 14,118
Cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the period 12,597 11,129
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