
In accordance with SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd's Directive on Information relating to Corporate Governance of 18 June 2021, in force since 1 October 2021 (Directive on Corporate Governance, “DCG”), this chapter describes the main structural and organisational principles of Ina Invest Holding Ltd (Ina Invest). Unless specified otherwise, the information is provided as of the balance sheet date (31 December 2021).

Ina Invest Holding Ltd is convinced that proper, responsible corporate governance has a long-term positive impact on its performance. In accordance with the requirements of the Swiss Code of Best Practice and the SIX Corporate Governance guidelines, the structures, rules and processes are designed to enable proper management by setting out the powers and responsibilities of the corporate bodies and employees. The structure and numbering of the chapter correspond to those of the Annex to the Corporate Governance Guideline. The information about compensation, shareholdings and loans is summarised in the Compensation Report. The principles and rules of Ina Invest's corporate governance are expressed in its various corporate-law documents, especially in the Articles of Association and Organisational Regulations. 

The Code of Conduct establishes the guidelines for the applicable business practices and proper conduct, which are binding on all Ina Invest Group employees. The Board of Directors conducts regular reviews of Ina Invest’s corporate governance based on best-practice standards and ensures compliance with the corporate governance requirements. 

The Articles of Association of 31 March 2021 applicable as of the balance sheet date of the reporting year (hereinafter "Articles of Association"), and the Organisational Regulations of 11 June 2020 applicable as of the balance sheet date of the reporting year (hereinafter "Ina Invest OR"), as well as the Code of Conduct, are available on Ina Invest’s website.


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